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Facilitation for Liberation: Facilitating Virtually with an Anti-Oppression Framework

Bad virtual meetings are more than just boring. In this training, we will look at how systems of oppression creep into our online meetings and learn facilitation strategies that lead to more equitable participation including group decision making, supporting groups in conflict, and naming, intervening, and addressing power dynamics when they arise.

Date and Time: October 14 at 2-4pm
The deadline to apply is October 2. Space is limited. Up to two people per organization may apply. Participants will be notified of acceptance by October 7.
AORTA Team (
Bex Kwan (they/she) is a Chinese queer/trans multimedia artist, organizer, social worker, and athlete who was born and raised in Singapore. Engaged in a lifelong process of undoing the effects of growing up in a Chinese supremacist culture, they are invested in creating loving movement spaces and consider deep friendship to be the basis of their work. As a facilitator, Bex has worked with grassroots organizers, co-operatives, non-profits, and universities on political education, anti-oppression practices, conflict mediation, and strategic planning.  They bring a wholehearted belief in a group’s potential for learning and change. Formerly an educator in pre-schools, they love to create environments that inspire play and new possibilities while remaining grounded in a pursuit of systemic and cultural transformation.
Jenna Peters-Golden (they/she) is an organizer, trainer, anti-Zionist Jewish rabble-rouser and artist. She is a white queer with class privilege, raised in southeastern Michigan and currently based in West Philadelphia. Jenna has focused much of her political work around prison abolition and transformative justice, Palestinian solidarity/anti-occupation work, and Indigenous solidarity. She spent 8 years as a core member of Philly Stands Up, a transformative justice collective. As a facilitator, Jenna loves to use art and storytelling as tools for staying grounded in political history and collective vision, in order to support groups generating new ways forward. She believes that all people and groups have the ability to grow and transform, and her belief in transformation is critical to her work.

Please note this training is free to grantees of the Andrus Family Fund, Brooklyn Community Foundation, Cricket Island Foundation, Daphne Foundation, Korean American Community Foundation, Mertz Gilmore Foundation, New York Foundation, New York Women's Foundation, NYC Fund for Girls and Young Women of Color, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, North Star Fund, Scherman Foundation, Stonewall Community Foundation.